Monday, May 23, 2011

Howard Steamboat Museum: A story of surviving the end of the world in the best way EVER!

The world was suppose to end on Saturday, May 21, but of course that didn't happen.  I guess we are going to have to wait around for the whole Mayan Calendar December 21, 2021 Doomsday prediction now.  What is up with the 21st?  I thought Friday the 13th was suppose to be the day of bad luck...

Whether the world was going to end or not, Bellawillow was going to go down while having fun.  We set up shop at the Howard Steamboat Museum Victorian Chautauqua Arts and Crafts Festival in Jeffersonville, Indiana.  People were constantly remarking that we have the best jobs ever.  They are totally correct!  We spent two beautifully sunny days outside, hula hooping, working on our tans, hanging out with our best friends and making money.  I don't think there ever could be a better job!

We also got to meet some really amazing people while we were there.  It is so fun to see an adult walking by and eyeing our booth, and then when we ask them if they would like to hula hoop with us there is always that moment of hesitation, a big smile, and then a YES!  We hook them up with a hula hoop that fits their size, give a quick demo, and then they are off...hula hooping like a they did when they were kids.  Or, we have people who tell us they could never hula hoop so we show give them a couple of tips and suddenly they are hooping like a pro!

Of course we have a ton of kids that hula hoop with us.  Either kids who are walking around the festival or the kids of other vendors, we welcome them all.  One vendor, Goat Milk Stuff, had eight super fun kids that would come and hula hoop with us all day long.  They were awesome hoopers and so friendly.  We were also able to snag some new hoopers who were waiting around to get their arms painted by the man in our neighbor booth.  He would shout out "Arm painting! Arm painting!" (but with this thick Asian accent it would sound more like "Arm candy! Arm Candy!" which was kind of funny, especailly when he would specify "Hey, Girl, arm candy!" so it would sound as if he were implying that the girl was some dude's arm candy).

The event was a huge success (We were even able to sell a hula hoop at a gas station after the first day of the festival!  We are some serious hula hoop selling fools!) and we had so much fun.  It is always so great to get a chance to meet all of these new interesting people and to get everyone hooked on hula hooping.  To find out when our next event will be check out our website,, or follow us on Facebook!

Edit:  You can now find the photo gallery for this event here.  You can purchase prints here.

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