Monday, May 23, 2011

Trunk or Treat: A story of how everything can go wrong

*We have switched our blog from Tumblr to Blogger.  This was a post we had previous made back in November 2010.*

Halloween is one of those days that you can just plan on expecting surprises.  Inanimate objects will jump to life to give you a scare or pranksters will be lurking in the shadows waiting to startle you.  But when we were getting ready to head out for the Trunk or Treat event we thought we had everything perfected.  We even uttered the phrase, "I feel like we are really prepared for this event."  Big mistake!  The universe does not like to hear that phrase and it will make sure you never want to speak those words again.  We have learned our lesson, Universe, thank you.

We started off right on time.  Our set-up was quick and easy.  Other than heavy winds that blew around some of our papers, everything was going great.  We started taking test shots for our photography area and that is when everything started to go wrong.  Surprise!  Only one of our brand new lights was going off.  Now, we had just done a couple of photo shoots with these lights and they worked perfectly.  We started trying to set the lights up differently.  Hooking cords up in different configurations.  Setting the lights up really close to each other and then farther apart.  Nothing was working.  We ended up going back home and getting one of our older lights and tried to see if it would work...nothing...We called the camera store that sold us the lights and they told us to bring them in and we could exchange them.  Suddenly it seemed very lucky that our advertising for the event had fallen through and we didn't have many people there between 1pm and 5!  At the shop, they tested some new lights that worked and sent us on our way.  However, back at our booth, the lights still would not sync!

After calling the camera store back, we came to one conclusion.  We were set up in front of a bank.  There could be a possible chance that banks will only allow so much electric to pass through an outlet at a time to prevent people from breaking in or something.  For both of our lights to work we would have needed a lot of electric.  Using two wasn't gonna happen.

We ended up setting up our one light and waited for Trunk or Treat to start.  At first nobody wanted any pictures made so it didn't seem like a big deal that only one of our lights worked.  Everyone was entering into our Candy Count contest and our Coloring Contest so we were kept a little busy.  Then one person asked for pictures...and then everyone asked for pictures!  We were so suddenly slammed that we began running around trying to figure out what was going on and who was suppose to be doing what.  Some jobs had to be switched due to lack of technical skills.  It became pure maddness

Cue the battery in the camera starting to go dead!...and we didn't have a spare.

Seems like a good time for the printer to run out of ink!...luckily we had more.

Oh, and now the computer memory is filled to the max! Ahhhhh!

Thank goodness it was finally time for the event to be over and we could start packing up all of our stuff.  In the end, our pictures were ok, but not great.  We had a lot of people enter into our contest so that went well.  We were able to walk away feeling very tired and stressed out, but ultimately successful.  This was certainly one of the biggest learning experiences we have gone through and next time we will know that we will need to be even more prepared.

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